Plan to fly into Delhi, Ranchi or Kolkata and take a train to Ananda Nagar, Jharkhand.
You can find train schedules here:
Let us know your travel plans and we can help you with taxis, accommodations, etc, when you first arrive. We can also arrange for a car service to pick you up at the airport and bring you to a hotel or ashram when you arrive, if it is Delhi or Kolkata. We can also let you know who else might be coming from your sector so you can travel together.
To organize pickups from Pundag station when you arrive in Ananda Nagar, please contact:
Giribhala and Didi A. Prama 00918670623833
The best way to travel to Ananda Nagar is by train. If coming from Delhi you would want an overnight train to Bokaro, and then catch a local train in the morning to Pundag. Here is a schedule. From Kolkata the same, unless you take an early morning train. We can help you with the bookings if you let us know when and what train station you want to leave from. Since this is a holiday time in India, it is advisable to book trains well in advance – such as in September.
You can travel to Ananda Nagar by private car from Ranchi.
What to bring:
· Passport and Indian Visa stamp
· Bug spray
· Sunscreen, hat and sunglasses, as needed
· Fork and spoon ( spork is a good option)
· Pocket knife (do not carry in carry-on luggage)
· Plastic food storage container
· Cup
· Sleeping pad such as Thermorest, yoga mat, or the like
· Sheet and pillow case
· Mosquito Net for sleeping and meditating under.
· Lightweight blanket for sleeping and for doing yoga
· Toiletries
· Towel
· Flip flops
· Snack foods- nuts, seeds, dried fruit, protein bars, etc
· emergenC or other electrolytes – enough for at least one a day
· handiwipes or some kind of premoistened anti-bacterial hand wipe
· light shawl or sweater for evenings and train
· water bottle
· small back pack or day pack
· pens and notebook
· any medicines you need to take on a regular basis
· empty zip lock bags – it is a good idea to put any food items in these to avoid having ants and other insects enjoying your snacks.
What not to bring:
· Anything of personal value that you would hate to lose
· Expensive jewelry or luggage
Best to carry large bills in euros or dollars or an internationally enabled ATM card if you don’t want to be carrying cash. Travelers checks can be harder to exchange. Carry a small amount of cash in a wallet in your bag, the rest carry in a soft money belt under your pants/skirt (ie. against your skin).
Change a small amount at the airport in India after you land, and then change the rest in the city for a better rate.
Mobile Phones:
You can use your own phone if it is “unlocked” and will accept another sim card. If this is the case, you can buy a sim card in any Indian city or town, but you will need a photo copy of your passport and a passport photo to buy the sim. It will take about 12 hours after you buy the sim before it will be ready to use.
Check with your local carrier to see what kinds of international calling and texting packages they have, as it might be fine to just use your own current phone and sim card.
Contact Numbers:
Didi Cirasmita in India: +91 7289860161